Desmarestia herbacea (Female)
Good quality assembly
- Genus: Desmarestia
- Species: herbacea
- Strain: DmunF
- Sex: Female
- Ploidy: Haploid
- Common name: No common name known
World occurrences (from GBIF)
- Sequencing: Illumina, Nanopore
- Size: 484.71 Mbp
- Number of contigs: 2593
- GC content: 48.4%
- N content: 0%
- N50: 559.79 Kbp
- L50: 249
- Protein-coding genes: 16759
- Gene length (average): 11160.41
- Gene length (median): 7255.0
- CDS length (average): 1257.4
- CDS length (median): 879.0
- CDS proportion (genome): 0.043%
- Genes without introns: 3057
- Number of contigs with at least one gene (genome): 49.4%
- Number of contigs with at least one gene (bases): 87.6%
BUSCO results
- Single-copy genes: 218
- Duplicated genes: 4
- Fragmented genes: 19
- Missing genes: 62
- Single-copy genes: 267
- Duplicated genes: 12
- Fragmented genes: 15
- Missing genes: 9
Additional genome assemblies for this species
Best genome assembly for the speciesDesmarestia herbacea DmunM MaleSequencing: Illumina, NanoporeGood quality assembly