Browse taxonomy

The Phaeoexplorer project

Exploring the evolution of biological complexity in the brown algae through the establishment of a multi-scale genomic data resource

The Phaeoexplorer project aims to generate transcriptome data and annotated genome assemblies for a broad range of brown algal species at different phylogenetic distances from the model brown alga Ectocarpus in order to address a number of key questions about the biology and evolutionary history of this poorly characterized but important group of marine eukaryotes. The knowledge generated by the project will be exploited to develop new techniques and products for the macroalgal mariculture and processing industries.

Phaeoexplorer genomes (best genome assembly for the species)

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Upcoming Phaeoexplorer genomes (best genome assembly for the species)

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Public brown algal genomes analysed in Phaeoexplorer

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